Fast Travel: The Fast Fashion of Tourism

We know fast fashion. It’s cheap, disposable, and damaging. It’s shit. Like fast food, it’s a quick thrill, bad for your health, bad for the planet.

Now, let’s talk about Fast Travel.

Weekend hops across Europe. A 48-hour conference in New York. A shopping trip to London or Milan. Chasing cheap fares at the planet’s expense.

Fast travel is fast food for the soul, consumed quickly, forgotten just as fast. It’s the TEMU version of travel, a never-ending scroll of cheap thrills. It turns places into products, experiences into transactions, journeys into logistics.

Like fast fashion, fast travel is built on overconsumption. It’s about more, faster, cheaper, not better.

We live in a world where everything must be fast:

Media: Clickbait, viral trends, empty engagement.
Love: Swipe right, no commitment, move on.
Money: Get rich quick, cash out, repeat.

What if we valued travel like a great meal, a lasting friendship, or a well-made quality jacket?

What if slow became the new luxury?

Håvard Utheim

Håvard Utheim is a strategic advisor, concept developer, with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and transparent communication in the travel industry and beyond. He is passionate about challenging the status quo and driving positive change

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