A 90% Reduction Plan with 0% Action is Useless.
A roadmap to net-zero. A sustainability strategy. A commitment to change.
Sounds responsible. But here’s the thing: plans don’t change the world. Actions do.
A company can publish a 50-page sustainability plan and still do nothing. A destination can outline its commitment to climate goals while building more runways. A hotel can promise carbon neutrality while expanding fossil-fueled operations. How often have we not heard we reduce emissions with 50%, meanwhile the growth is also 50%. Totally useless. A numbers game.
Plans are easy. Execution is hard.
So don’t show us your fantastic plan. Show real things that you’ve already done.
What did you remove? Single-use plastics? Short-haul flights? Greenwashing?
What did you change? Supply chains? Pricing models? Your own behavior?
What did you create? A new way of operating? A system that doesn’t rely on consumer guilt?
Sustainability isn’t a press release. It’s not a PDF report. It’s what happens when no one is watching.
Stop presenting strategies. Show the results.